Tuesday, 18 March 2014

VPL : WEDNESDAY v Yanga Azam , NATION !...

31 called Ngorongoro Heroes reprimand KENYA
VPL_2013 -2014 - FPWachezaji 31 have been selected to join the national team of young people aged under 20 years ( Ngorongoro Heroes ) for the African Championship finals will be held next year in Senegal his .
Ngorongoro Heroes will be under acting coach John Simkoko assisted by Mohamed Ayoub enters camp tomorrow (March 19 this year) in Dar es Salaam to prepare for the first match against Kenya which will be played between 4 to 6 April in Nairobi.
Force the team comprises itarudiana and Kenya between April 25 to 27 this year in Dar es Salaam also includes some of the players who appeared in the program of the experience of talent for national improvements Stars.
Players who are called are goalkeepers should live kinula ( Azam ), Juma Hamad Hamad ( Scouting - Temeke ), scattered Peter dispersed ( Scouting - Ilala ) and Hassan Mwinyi Chicks ( palm , Zanzibar ).
Ayoub defenders at bay is Semtawa ( Coastal Union ), Edward Charles ( JKT Ruvu ), Frank Linus Makungu ( Scouting - Rukwa ), Gabriel Gadiel Michael ( Azam ), Hussein Congolese ( Ashanti United) and Ibrahim Said Mohamed ( college , Zanzibar ). Central defenders are Bashiru Ismail ( Tanzania Prisons ), Faki Rashid Indeed ( Ashanti United) and output Ngonyani ( fluids ).
Links are Ally Nassoro ( Coastal Union ), Bryson Raphael ( Azam ), Farid Musa ( Azam ), Hamid Mohamed ( Mbeya City) , Hassan Bande ( Mtibwa Sugar ) , Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim ( Scouting - Ilala ) , IDD Seleman ( Ashanti United) Mohamed Issa Juma ( Acudu , South Africa), Muhsin Ally Muhsin ( Scouting - Kinondoni ), Seleman dance ( Scouting - Ruvuma ) and John Hope ( Scouting - Mwanza ).
Attackers are Ally Salum Kabunda ( Ashanti United) , Ibrahim Hamad Hilika ( Fire , Zanzibar ), Jafari Mwambusi ( Mbeya City) , Kelvin Friday ( Azam ), Ramadhan Bilal ( Mlale JKT ), Salum Abdilah panels ( Ndanda ) and Sibiank Lambard ( Tanzania Prisons ).
Championship Vodacom Premier League ( VPL ) continues tomorrow (March 19 this year) for a match between Yanga and Azam which will be played at the National Stadium in Dar es Salaam starting at 10:30 pm.
Tickets for the match are on sale at 2 am in special vehicles at service stations Secondary School, Benjamin Mkapa , Ubungo Terminal, restaurant Steers existing Samora Avenue / Ohio , OilCom Ubungo , Buguruni Shell, Dar Live- Mbagala , center bus Torch and National Stadium .
After 6 hours a day all sales yatahamia National Stadium where the gates for the match will be open starting at 7:30 pm.
Entries in the match will be sh . 30,000 for VIP A, sh . 20,000 for VIP B and C seats while orange, blue and green fee is sh . 7,000.
The match referee itachezeshwa and Hashim Abdallah of Dar es Salaam where he helped to Anold Bugado ( Singida ), Florentina Zablon ( Dodoma ) and Lulu Mushi (Dar es Salaam ). Commissioner Emmanuel Kavenga match from Mbeya time to evaluate judges are Alfred Rwiza Mwanza .

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